Thursday, June 19, 2008

South Carolina is Fired Up!

From January 23rd, 2008


In three days South Carolina will be heading to the polls. No one knows who's going to win but supporters of Barack Obama are working hard and gaining momentum. Just today Obama was endorsed by two South Carolina newspapers in addition to his endorsement by the largest newspaper in the state. Not only is he picking up endorsements, his supporters are working 24/7 to change the country! Keep reading to find out more.

First lets take a look at the endorsements. The The Rock Hill Herald endorsed first so lets take a look at theirs first.

Barack Obama, at 46, could have waited four or even eight years to run for the presidency, but decided that this year’s campaign was his moment.

We think he was right; his candidacy is ideally suited for this point in the nation’s history. Obama, more than any other candidate in either party, has based his campaign on the promise of positive change in Washington and an effort to heal the caustic partisan rift that divides not only the nation’s capital but also much of the nation.


While he stresses that the loss of life and the toll on the U.S. military have been the worst consequences of the war, he also believes the economic damage resulting from spending billions of dollars each month on the war is severe.

Obama has a comprehensive health-care reform plan whose goal is to make health insurance available and affordable to all.

He views global warming not only as an environmental threat but also a threat to the economy and, ultimately, U.S. security. He would offer incentives to promote efficiency, invest in research in clean technology and institute a system designed to reduce carbon emissions.

He would seek a tax cut for middle-class families, as well as a tax credit of up to $4,000 toward a college education. However, he would roll back President Bush’s tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and raise the capital gains tax rate on those making more than $250,000 a year.

But the principle reason we endorse Obama in Saturday’s primary is because he appears to have the skills and the genuine desire to engender new hope, bring more people — especially younger voters — into the political process, bring the nation together and restore America’s image around the globe.

Amen to that! Lets see what The Greenville News has to say.

This Democratic race really boils down to a contest between the first woman with a real chance of capturing a major party’s nomination for president and the first African-American with an opportunity to do the same. The Greenville News endorses Barack Obama in Saturday’s primary.

In this race that’s ultimately about giving the Democratic Party its strongest candidate for the November general election, Barack Obama has emerged as one of the most attractive candidates on the political scene in decades. He has a refreshing lack of political guile, and he inspires with his words and with his life’s story. His father came from Kenya, his mother from Kansas, and Obama was born in Hawaii. He has moved easily between different cultures, and he has said before that his life built on diverse experiences has prepared him to be a political leader devoted to uniting people and seeking common solutions.

Obama brings characteristics to this primary that lift up many people and elevate their sense of hope. He is not a hardened ideologue. While he does not minimize his Democratic Party roots, he talks openly and encouragingly of wanting to get "Democrats, Republicans and independents to work constructively on problems instead of (trying) to score political points."

He could help Washington move past its stubborn and destructive partisan politics. As he said in an editorial board meeting at this newspaper, "The politics we have seen and grown accustomed to over the past 20 years have not been productive." That’s so true.


In this race to capture to the Democratic Party’s nomination, Obama makes the most compelling case for his nomination when he describes the differences between himself and Sen. Clinton. She is more comfortable with the "Washington lobby culture," he told our editorial board, and as seen in the failed health-care campaign in 1993, she is comfortable operating behind closed doors and trying to demonize her opponents.

Obama’s approach to governing would be based on openness, inclusiveness and transparency. That approach would serve our country well.

Openness, inclusiveness and transparency. What radical concepts!

However as we know endorsements don't mean anything if you don't have votes. And you can't have votes if you don't do great work doing GOTV. With that in mind the campaign put together a great video of the GOTV being done in SC. Take a look at it.

They are fired up! That's for sure. Speaking of that famous chant. Obama was in Greenwood, SC again recently were that chant started and the lady who started it lead a chant of it at the end of the rally. There is a great video from that event up. If you want to hear the chant skip to a few minutes until the end.

I don't know about you. But I'm fired up. And South Carolina is fired up. And America is fired up. We're ready to go change the world. But we can't do it without hitting the ground running. Get active in you're local state. If you're not a Feb 5 state get signed up making calls to Feb 5 states. Join a local group, become a PC, canvass, donate, do anything and everything you can for Obama. Our future depends on it.

Fired up! Ready to go!

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