Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Daily Stuff: May 26th / 2009

Back from a vacation of getting ticks on me and marveling at the genius of Pixar and Rowan Atkinson movies.

-Apparently Barack Obama nominated Maria Sotomayor to the Supreme Court today. Seems like a very good and historic pick although conservatives will likely be upset that Obama didn't nominated their ideal choice: a robot.

-Unsurprisingly Prop 8 was upheld by the California Supreme Court today. Certified genius Adam Bonin explains. The Courage Campaign gears up to repeal it.

-In more surprising news Ted Olson, Bush's lawyer in Bush vs Gore and one of the most influential conservative lawyers in the countries is challenging Prop 8 in federal court.

-My college Joe Bodell has his latest gubernatorial power rankings for Minnesota. I pretty much agree. I'd put Coleman and Marty a bit higher but Joe is better at these things then I am. It's definitely a race that could play out a lot of different ways.

-Dear Tucker Carlson: If your not going to go away at least come up with a new idea, Thanks.

-Ezra Klein does more explaining of healthcare reform.

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